Trajectories of events whose dynamics are regular can be aligned in space and in time together and averaged to estimate what is their average behaviour and the variability between the different events. To be aligned and averaged, the trajectories must obey to some important prerequisites, which are essential:

  • The event that the trajectories describe must be homogeneous. Trajectories describing heterogeneous events cannot be obviously averaged together.
  • All the trajectories must share the same spatial and temporal units. It is not possible to align trajectories whose frames are spaced by different time intervals.
  • Trajectories need to describe an event that moves in a clear direction. Unmotile events cannot be reliably aligned in space.

The functions necessary to average the different trajectories together are defined in and can be imported as

from trajalign.average import load_directory
from trajalign.average import average_trajectories

load_directory( path , pattern = '.txt' , sep = None , comment_char = '#' , dt = None , t_unit = '' , coord_unit = '' , intensity_normalisation = 'None' , attrs...) loads all the trajectories listed in path, which have the same pattern, into a list of trajectories. The trajectories in path must be text files with the data organised in columns separated by sep. When sep is set to None the separation can be an indefinite number of white spaces. Comment lines in the trajectory files must be identified by the comment_char at their beginning. comment_char can be a string of any length. attrs is used to assign each column of the trajectory file to the right attribute and it is used to add annotations, if necessary. The attributes of a trajectory are frames, t, coord, f, mol, n, t_err, coord_err, f_err and mol_err.

intensity_normalisation can be: None (no normalisation, default), Integral (normalise over the integral of the fluorescence intensity to be 1 using .scale_f( v = 1 ) ), or Absolute (normalise the fluorescence intensity values between 0 and 1 using norm_f() ).

A trajectory file can look as such:

# This is an example of a trajectory. 
# The file name is example.txt
# frames x_coord y_coord fluorescence
0 34.037666 47.123764 3.577058
1 34.128681 47.177021 3.506692
2 34.187073 47.090092 3.378920
3 34.162273 47.169624 3.616615
4 34.225525 47.163013 3.667110

The trajectory example.txt can be loaded with:

	path = 'wherever the trajectory is',
	frames = 0 ,
	coord = (1 , 2) ,
	f = 3 ,
	note = 'this is an example of how to load a trajectory' ,
	experiment = 'an important one' ,
	coord_unit = 'pixels of our EM-CCD camera')

If the dt is given ( as a float or int ) and no t attribute is later specified, then the time .t() attribute is created and it is computed from the frame numbers as t = ( frame_number - 1 ) * dt. As for the coordinates, a t_unit attribute must be added, specifying the unit of time in which dt is expressed.

average_trajectories( trajectory_list , max_frame = 500 , output_file = 'average' , median = False, unify_start_end = True , fimax = False , fimax_filter = [ -3/35 , 12/35 , 17/35 , 12/35 , -3/35 ] ) align all the trajectories in the list trajectory_list together and computes their average.

max_frame is the largest frame number to be expected for the trajectories and it is used to estimate whether a trajectory is truncated at its end. Trajectories that are truncated at their start are recognised by the frame index that starts at 0. If the trajectory is complete the frame indexes should be included between 0 and max_frame. Trajectories that start with 0 are not considered when computing the start of the average trajectory, which is the average start of non-truncated trajectories. Similarly, trajectories that end with ‘max_frame’ are not considered when computing the end of the average trajectory.

All trajectories are used as a reference to align all the remaining trajectories together. The best alignment, which is the one that minimises the dispersion of the aligned trajectories, is saved in a file named as in output_file.

By default, average_trajectories computes the average of the trajectories and their standard error of the mean. However, it can be useful to compute the median instead of the average, in particular when trajectories are noisy and few can be badly aligned, therefore affecting the mean. To compute the median, change the default median = False to median = True. Together with the median, the software will compute the standard error derived from the median absolute deviation (MAD) adjusted for asymptotically normal consistency (k = 1.4826). If the standard deviation or the MAD are needed, it is sufficient to multiply the errors by the square root of the attribute n.

By default unify_start_end is set to True, which means that average_trajectories truncates all the raw trajectories, once they are aligned together in time, to a start and end time points that are common to the entire dataset of raw trajectories. The common start (and end) time point is defined as the average of the start (and end) time points of the raw trajectories minus (and plus) the 95% confidence interval (CI) of the average start (and end). The subtraction (and addition) of the 95% CI is done to counter the intrinsic underestimate of tracking methods and to ensure that relevant parts of the trajectories are not truncated. The average start (and end) time points, as well as the standard deviation and the number of trajectories used to compute the average start and end, are saved in the annotations under mean_starts, std_starts and n_starts (and mean_ends, std_ends and n_ends). Therefore, the user can always control what is the variability in the beginning and end of the trajectories and, if required, they can restrtict the start time and end time of the average trajectory to the mean_starts and end_starts by using .start() and .end(). If unify_start_end = False all the annotations are set to nan by default. unify_start_end = True is recommended, unless the number of trajectories averaged is very small or there is reason to expect some variability in the trajectory lifetimes (which otherwise would be lost), to avoid an extreme variability in the trajectory average that can be induced by averaging very few trajectories at the beginning or the end of the average trajectory.

The trajectories of the actin network components are very noisy after the scission of the vesicle, which coincides with their peak in fluorescence intensity. fimax = True considers only the trajectory information up to the peak of fluorescence intensity, in order to reduce the bias of the noise on the estimate of the average trajectory during the invagination of the plasma membrane. fimax_filter is used to smooth the fluorescence intensity profile of the raw trajectories before computing where the peak in fluorescence intensity is. If no smoothing is desired then fimax_filter should be [ 1 ]. The default is a Savitzky-Golay filter of order five.

average_trajectories returns two trajectories, the best average and the worst average, and all the raw trajectories aligned together to compute the best average, which are oriented in space and time as the best average for comparison. The best average is saved as a .txt file named from the variable output_file. All the raw trajectories aligned together are saved in a folder named as output_file. In the same folder, the software saves the alignment precision for the different trajectories used as a reference; the one from which the average is computed is the one that scored the minimum value in the alignment precision. The average trajectories inherit the annotations of the trajectory that is used as a reference. In addition, a new annotation reference_file is added to record the file has been used as the reference.