trajalign uses exclusively Python 3.X. Before proceeding with the installation of trajalign, make sure that you have the following libraries:

  • numpy is a fundamental library for scientific computing;
  • sklearn is the SciPy machine learning library.

If those libraries are not installed and you use a mac, you can install both libraries with macport:

sudo port install py35-numpy py35-scikit-learn #or the latest versions you will find..

trajalign uses also the following libraries that should be present as defaults in normal python installations:

To plot the trajectories of the examples we use matplotlib. This library is not necessary to use the functionalities of the package.

To install the trajalign package, please download the latest version of the package from here or visit the github repository.

In the folder that you downloaded, you will find a file. To install trajalign, open the folder you downloaded from the shell and type:

sudo python3.5 install

If as a user you do not have writing permission to the global site-packages directory or you do not want to install trajalign into it, then you might want to use:

sudo python3.5 install --user

For more installation schemes, please visit the Installing Python Modules documentation page.

The trajalign package is now ready to use. Refer to the documentation and to these examples. The scripts to run the examples are also present in the folder you downloaded and will help you to learn how to use the package.

Have fun!