Here is an example about the use of the averaging functions.

The example can be run using the raw data in the example folder of trajectory_alignment. The example reported here is the same as in the example folder.

from trajalign.traj import Traj
from trajalign.average import load_directory
from trajalign.average import average_trajectories
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import os

#load the trajectories in the folder raw_trajectories as a list
trajectory_list = load_directory(
		path = 'raw_trajectories' , 
		pattern = '.data' ,
		comment_char = '%' , 
		dt = 0.1045 , 
		t_unit = 's' , 
		coord_unit = 'pxl' , 
		frames = 0 , 
		coord = ( 1 , 2 ) , 
		f = 3 , 
		protein = 'Sla1-GFP' , 
		date = '10/10/13' , 
		notes = 'one of my first experiments')

print( trajectory_list[ 0 ] )

#compute the average of all the trajectories in the list
best_median , worst_median , aligned_trajectories_median =\
		average_trajectories( trajectory_list , max_frame = 500 , 
				output_file = 'median' , median = True ) #defaut is median = False

#plot the average saved in 'median.txt' and all the trajectories 
#saved in 'median' folder.

trj = Traj()
trj.load( 'median.txt')

files = os.listdir( 'median' )

plt.figure(1, figsize = ( 10 , 8 ) )

for f in files :
	t = Traj()
	t.load( 'median/' + f )

	plt.plot( t.t() - trj.start() , t.coord()[ 0 ] , '-' )

plt.plot( trj.t() - trj.start() , trj.coord()[ 0 ] , 'w-' , linewidth = 5.5 )
plt.plot( trj.t() - trj.start() , trj.coord()[ 0 ] , 'k-' , linewidth = 3 ,
		label = 'Average trajectory' )

plt.xlim( [ -0.5 , trj.end() - trj.start() + 0.5 ] )
plt.ylim( [ -1 , 3.2 ] )

plt.ylabel( 'Inward movement (' + trj.annotations()[ 'coord_unit' ] + ')' , fontsize = 24 )
plt.xlabel( 'Time (' + trj.annotations()[ 't_unit' ] + ')' , fontsize = 24 )
plt.title( str( len( files ) ) + ' trajectories\naligned in space and time and averaged' ,
		fontsize = 24 , verticalalignment = 'bottom')

plt.legend( loc = 'best' )
plt.savefig( 'plot.png')

To run access through the shell the folder that contains it and type
